• Once Upon a Time in Steveston

    Once Upon a Time is set in small town Maine, but is actually filmed in a small town in British Columbia. When I found out how close “Storybrooke” is to my house, I decided to check out the exterior set in the town of Stevenston. The town is adorable, and it was neat to walk along the streets after seeing the show. The back room of Mr. Gold’s Pawnshop is an amazing vintage store, that I will definitely be returning to. I have more photos from the day in the town which I will post over the next couple days.

  • Giants

    The largest public art featured in Vancouver is the Giants by Brazilian twins Os Gemeos. They took over the concrete silos on Granville Island and created these incredible ‘giants.’ The work is beautiful from afar but close up the detail is insane. I can’t wait to see it when they finish!

  • Jelly Beans

    Giant jelly beans are the latest public art installations in Vancouver. They sit along the seawall and are fully interactive. I watched a guy put his dog on top of one so he could take a picture of it, which is, I’m sure, exactly what the artist was expecting.

  • Georgetown

    Every time I go back to Georgetown I am shocked by how different it is. As I grew up the town was expanding, but the past few years the town has grown quite large. This time, instead of focusing on the new sections of the town, I went to old Georgetown. Main street is picturesque, and in some pictures looks like a toy. The old buildings are beautiful, the street is perfectly groomed and there is an odd sense of comfort and safety as you walk the street. It is a wonderful place to visit and only makes me want to adventure around more small towns.    

  • Winery

    Here are the rest of the photos from my time back home. We visited a berry picking farm/winery on the edge of Georgetown neither of us knew about. This cute farm was a lovely stop and a great find.

  • Halton

    Coming home is always lovely, but in the winter Georgetown is a completely different place. Summer here is gorgeous, and since I haven’t been home in a while, my father and I adventured. Georgetown is a tiny town surrounded by farmland. The photos of Main street, which will be posted tomorrow, don’t even look real. It wasn’t the liveliest place to grow up but coming back from the city to a small town is always nice.